Staff retention is essentially the ability of a business to hold on to their staff, which should maximise productivity and keep employee turnover to a ...
Workplace mental health, have the conversation. The importance of communication. This article serves as a reminder to managers of the prime position they are in
Quite often sickness absence will put employers under pressure to get staff back into work after long periods of absence. Pressuring a sick employee...
What should you do if a new recruit discloses a medical condition? It is important to understand that employers cannot ask job applicants questions about ...
What are the implications for individuals involved in discrimination claims? Did you know that employees can have a claim made against them as individuals?
The concept of gross misconduct has often left employers feeling that there is no further option but to terminate the employment of the individual but ...
The Employment Tribunal was asked to decide whether a teaching assistant, whose religion was Islam, had been discriminated against because of his faith when he ...