Category: Disciplinary Procedures & Dismissals

redundancy and maternity protection
Best practice for employers

Redundancy Protection & Maternity Leave

Before the 6th April 2024 pregnant employees or expecting parents, were only protected from redundancy whilst on maternity leave. This period has now been…

policies and procedures
Best practice for employers

Getting suspension right

Deciding whether or not to suspend an employee is a decision which should not be taken lightly and can have significant repercussions if the process is …

A blackboard sign on a beach that reads "Policies & Procedures"
Best practice for employers

Third party harassment in the workplace

Third party harassment can arise in the workplace when a non-worker harasses an employee. Third parties to a business can include customers , clients, suppliers

A piece of paper on a cork board reading "Sexual Harassment"
Best practice for employers

Sexual Harassment Resources & Training

On the 16th October 2024 the law is changing, and all employers will need to take proactive steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Any employers

Person carrying a box with dismissed written on it
Best practice for employers

What is Constructive Unfair Dismissal?

Constructive unfair dismissal arises where an employer fundamentally breaches the terms of an employee’s contract, and the employee resigns in response…

Best practice for employers

What is Marriage Discrimination?

Marriage and civil partnership discrimination: when does it apply? Marriage and civil partnership discrimination arise when someone is treated less favourably..

Best practice for employers

Verbal Warnings

Verbal warnings are a popular option for managers in addressing minor conduct or performance issues and it’s easy to see why..