Redundancy Protection & Maternity Leave
Before the 6th April 2024 pregnant employees or expecting parents, were only protected from redundancy whilst on maternity leave. This period has now been…
Before the 6th April 2024 pregnant employees or expecting parents, were only protected from redundancy whilst on maternity leave. This period has now been…
Was an employee allowed to refer to a “Protected Conversation” to support his claim of unfair dismissal? This was the question before the Employment Appeal …
The ACAS early conciliation process is a free service you can use to try and resolve an employment dispute. You can start the process online …
Changes to Pay, Compensation and Statutory Payments. New rates of pay and compensation from 6th April 2024. We recommend that you review and update internal…
In a recent case of Love v M B Farm Produce Ltd ET/2304946/2022, the Employment Tribunal held that an employee’s entitlement to a statutory redundancy payment cannot be restored where they change their mind after unreasonably refusing to accept an offer of alternative employment.
Following the results of a recent ACAS survey it is increasing likely that job losses are on the horizon. No employer wants to make redundancies…
Redundancy Common Pitfalls. Redundancy can hit employers unexpectedly and it is often a scary process to embark upon and challenging.
A bill to protect pregnant employees and new mothers from redundancy backed by government. The Bill is due to go through the House of Lords next
As the festive season approaches many businesses are facing hard decisions as to whether redundancies are needed to survive the bleak economic outlook of 2023.
As you may have heard on the news, P & O Ferries recently dismissed 800 of its employees without warning or notice. The news was delivered to the affected employees via video call on 17 March 2022 and, just like that, 800 employees learned that they were out of a job.
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