Category: Recruitment

A small blackboard with "Recruitment" terms and a lightbulb
Employer Resources

Getting it right when recruiting

What are the steps you need to take when recruiting? When trying to attract the right candidate and to comply with employment law recruitment should be planned

A piece of paper on a cork board reading "Sexual Harassment"
Best practice for employers

Sexual Harassment Prevention Duty

In order to help you comply with your legal obligation to take steps to prevent sexual harassment we have arranged training for managers and employees.

Best practice for employers

Probationary Periods – Why Bother?

A probation period is a well-known tool that is utilised at the beginning of an employment relationship, which allows the employer to evaluate a new employee..

A small blackboard with "Recruitment" terms and a lightbulb
Best practice for employers

How can employers improve staff retention?

Staff retention is essentially the ability of a business to hold on to their staff, which should maximise productivity and keep employee turnover to a minimum.

Best practice for employers

Labour party employment law reforms

The Labour party intends to make some sweeping changes to employment law if it wins the next general election. The reforms are set out in its paper entitled…

to display equality
Best practice for employers

Neuro divergence and work

What should employers be considering with a neuro divergent workforce?

teenagers walking along a pavement
Best practice for employers

Employing young people aged 16-17

The employment of young people who are over compulsory school leaving age and under 18 is permitted but there are slightly different rules that apply..