Intellectual Property Notice

Unless stated otherwise, Real Employment Law Advice Limited is the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in our website and the material published on it.

All works are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world.

We provide all of the information on this site as a resource for you and as such you are permitted to share, print and download extracts from our website for your own use, provided that:
you do not modify any documents;
you do not use any photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from any accompanying text; and
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If you purchase a document or documents from our website you may download and use them for your own personal usage or for use within your business.

You expressly agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of this website or products or service purchased and made available via our website.
You may create a hyperlink to any page on our website. However your hyperlink must not portray Real Employment Law Advice Limited, our products and services, or our employees or Directors in an offensive manner, or be misleading or false.

Real Employment Law Advice Limited may terminate or suspend your right to use this website if you breach, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that you have breached the provisions of this Intellectual Property Notice.