Category: Family Rights at Work

a carer pushing a wheelchair in a green space
Best practice for employers

Understanding Carer’s Leave

Guidance for Managers. As a manager, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the various types of leave that employees are entitled to…

Sunset with parents baby and a pushchair as a black silhouette
Best practice for employers

A Guide to Understanding Paternity Leave

What Employers Should Do When an Employee Requests Paternity Leave. As an employer, it’s important to be informed and prepared when an employee requests …

redundancy and maternity protection
Best practice for employers

Redundancy Protection & Maternity Leave

Before the 6th April 2024 pregnant employees or expecting parents, were only protected from redundancy whilst on maternity leave. This period has now been…

Best practice for employers

What is Marriage Discrimination?

Marriage and civil partnership discrimination: when does it apply? Marriage and civil partnership discrimination arise when someone is treated less favourably..

ACAS logo
Best practice for employers

What is ACAS Early Conciliation?

The ACAS early conciliation process is a free service you can use to try and resolve an employment dispute. You can start the process online …

Pile of Newspapers on the left hand side of a table with the word news on the right hand side spelt out on circular printing stamps
Best practice for employers

Employment Law Changes 2024

Employment Law Changes 2024. Various changes to employee rights. From the 6 April 2024, the following employment law changes will come into effect…