Category: Discrimination & Equality

to show sickness and abscence
Best practice for employers

Sickness Absence Management

Quite often sickness absence will put employers under pressure to get staff back into work after long periods of absence. Pressuring a sick employee…

to display menopause symptoms
Best practice for employers

Menopause in the workplace

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) recently issued guidance on menopause in the workplace encouraging employers to carefully consider the needs of employees.

Headed paper from a "HM Courts & Tribunal Service" document
Best practice for employers

Protection of philosophical beliefs at work

Tribunal finds University Professor was discriminated against because of gender critical philosophical beliefs. An Employment Tribunal recently found that…

bald man pulling a face
Best practice for employers

Insults in the workplace

The case of Mr A Finn v The British Bung Manufacturing Company Ltd confirmed that calling a man bald is no longer a mere insult/banter. Even if factually true..