Category: Discrimination & Equality

Best practice for employers

What is Marriage Discrimination?

Marriage and civil partnership discrimination: when does it apply? Marriage and civil partnership discrimination arise when someone is treated less favourably..

Red arrow pointing right with the word grievances written on the arrow
Best practice for employers

Raising a Grievance at work

What do I do if I have an issue at work? Situations often arise in the workplace where an employee feels they need to raise concerns..

brown book on a desk with employee rights on the front in gold lettering
Best practice for employers

The Right to be Accompanied to a Formal Meeting

When do you have the right to be accompanied at a formal meeting? It can be extremely stressful if you are invited to a disciplinary hearing or a grievance …

line of policeman with shields holding a crowd back
Best practice for employers

Can you dismiss an employee involved in riots?

Can you dismiss an employee involved in riots? We have all seen the news stories, videos and photos of rioters around the country causing damage …

A kangaroo with boxing gloves on punching a muppet
Best practice for employers

Bullying and Harassment at Work

Bullying and harassment continue to be a significant issue in the workplace and cases are on the rise with ACAS Conciliation Service receiving around 200,000…

A small blackboard with "Recruitment" terms and a lightbulb
Best practice for employers

How can employers improve staff retention?

Staff retention is essentially the ability of a business to hold on to their staff, which should maximise productivity and keep employee turnover to a minimum.

ACAS logo
Best practice for employers

What is ACAS Early Conciliation?

The ACAS early conciliation process is a free service you can use to try and resolve an employment dispute. You can start the process online …