In this episode of the Podcast I interview Sarah Torres-Ferrick about strategies for managing staff during the current unusual working environment created by the coronavirus pandemic.
About Sarah
Sarah is a human resources officer and creator of the FUN Feedback Framework.
For over a decade Sarah has worked with executives at government agencies on growing and sustaining high performing workforces. Now she uses these skills to bring effective human resources solutions to small businesses. Sarah helps leaders break through the complexities of having employees, so they can advance their businesses with confidence.
Sarah conducts workshops and speaks at conferences of over 300 people.
What we cover
In this episode we cover:
- Why change is difficult
- The importance of your ‘trust bucket’
- How to create and improve trust with staff
- Why being honest and transparent with staff is important
- Strategies for business owners to deal with the pressure of managing in difficult times
- How to cultivate team relationships while working remotely
- How to manage staff remotely
Useful Links
Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn
Find out more about Sarah here:
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