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Managing Sickness Absence 1: Simple steps to reduce absences

How can you start to reduce sickness absence in your business or organisation?

This episode of the podcast it is the start of a mini series on managing sickness absence at work and to start I cover some easy practical tips to reduce sickness absence which you can begin today. 

In this episode I will cover:

  • Some easy tips to help you to deal with sickness absence.
  • Guidance on having clear rules on telephoning in to report sickness absence.
  • Training managers to ask the right questions when someone phones in sick.
  • Back to work meetings and discussions.
  • Self-certification forms and what to include on them.
  • The importance of absence recording records.
  • Effective ways to manage sick pay.
  • How the Bradford Scale can help manage absence.
  • Why communication with staff is the key to reducing and managing sickness in your organisation.

Action Points

  1. Ensure that managers are trained to effectively manage sickness absence – give them the confidence to ask questions;
  2. Review how you record sickness absence in your business or organisation;
  3. Look at your sick pay policy and consider amending;
  4. Change your self-certification forms;
  5. Seek advice and assistance if you are unsure how to deal with a situation.

We can help with the forms you need, the relevant procedure and training for your managers. Please do not hesitate to get in touch for some real life help for your organisation.

Useful Links

Wonolo Top 50 Podcasts for HR Professionals

Bradford Calculator

You can find an index of all of the podcast topics covered so far here: Podcast Index


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