HR & Employment Law Training

HR & Employment Law Training Day for Managers, HR Managers & Business Owners

Cowes, Isle of Wight

28th June 2018

Real Employment Law Advice will be holding two training sessions on the Isle of Wight dedicated to providing managers with the skills they need to better manage their people.

There are two sessions to choose from: 

Morning Session: 9am – 12:30pm

Skills for being a better Manager

To include:

Effective communication skills

Time management

Holding effective one to ones

Afternoon Session: 1:30 – 5pm

Employment Law Focus

HR managers will have an in depth focus on critical areas of employment law in the afternoon session

To include:

Legal Changes

Case law update

Managing Sickness Absence

Dealing with disciplinary and grievance investigations

£75 per person per session or

£130 per person to attend both sessions and includes lunch

(all prices inclusive of VAT)

Spaces are limited so please book and pay in advance to secure your space.

The deadline for booking and payment is the 1st June 2018.

To book your place or for more information please contact Abigail Stiles in the office on 01983 897003 or by email:

The training will take place at the Royal Ocean Racing Club, The Parade, Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7QU

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