Wrongful Dismissal & Breach of Confidentiality: Episode 46

Contract Breach of Contract

Mr M Farnan v Sunderland Association Football Club

A claim for wrongful dismissal in the High Court

In this episode of the Podcast I bring you the detail and Judgement from a claim brought by a former employee of Sunderland FC which emphasises the need to have good provisions and policies for confidentiality in your employment contracts and Handbooks.

In this episode I will cover:

  • What the facts were leading to Mr Farnan’s claim
  • Why Mr Farnan alleged that Sunderland FC were in breach of contract
  • What the High Court Judge considered to be serious breaches of confidentiality
  • What the High Court Judge considered in respect of an allegation that Mr Farnan had sent an offensive Christmas Card from his work email address
  • What you need to do to ensure you are covered in the event you take action against an employee in similar circumstances
  • How to protect your  confidential information

 Action Points

Review your contracts and handbooks to ensure that you have specific clauses regarding your expectations of confidentiality. If you want to prevent employees from sending emails to their personal emails and from ‘banking’ confidential information then you need to include an express provision to this effect.

Helpful Links

Full case report Farnan v Sunderland Association Football Club

 HR Harbour

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The information contained in this Podcast and post is provided for guidance and is a snapshot of the law at the time. It is provided for your information only and should not be used as a substitute for obtaining legal advice that it specific to your particular circumstances.

The guidance should not be relied upon in any decision making process. It is strongly recommended that you seek advice before taking action.