Category: Recruitment

Best practice for employers

Autism and Work

According to data published by the Office of National Statistics in 2021, only 22% of people with autism are employed, in contrast to 52% of all disabled people

A person in a shirt and tie and shorts under the water in the sea with a computer keyboard
Best practice for employers

Changes to flexible working rights announced

On 5 December 2022, the government announced that the right to request flexible working will be extended to all employees, from day one of employment…

Tree with a wooden arrow sign pointing to the right displaying the word "Equality"
Best practice for employers

How to promote Equality in your business

When times are hard or we are busy it can be easy to let the fundamentals of fairness and equality slip and to think that we do not have the time or resources to dedicate to it. I would however argue that when times are hard, like a recession, it is even more important to uphold those values…

Two people on laptops showing training/education in a workplace
Best practice for employers

Can you claim back training costs from employees?

Providing training and development opportunities to your employees is a great way to invest in your staff and in your business.   The cost of such training is usually borne by the employer on the basis that, over time, the business will benefit from the new skills or knowledge that the employee has gained

An example payslip depicting typical salary deductions
Best practice for employers

Attracting Talent – Is Salary Still King?

Businesses are facing an increase in costs across all areas including, rising energy prices, wholesale increases, rental and business tax rises which means relying on increasing salary rates as a mean to attract and retain talent is an unsustainable business strategy.

Large clock on a desk with a female head bowed resting on the table
Best practice for employers

Employees and second jobs – what employers need to know

With the cost of living rising exponentially, more and more people are having to take on second jobs or extra hours to make ends meet.   Here we consider the contractual and employment law issues that employers need to be aware of when their employees have second jobs.