Month: January 2021

An example payslip depicting typical salary deductions
Employee Resources

Can my employer make me pay back overpaid wages?

There are many circumstances which may lead to an overpayment of wages. Employees find themselves in a position where they are often confused about what happens when there is an overpayment of wages and what their employers can or cannot do.

Sign post with absent and an arrow above pointing to the right
Employee Resources

Sick Pay and Covid-19

Frequently Asked Questions about Sick Pay and Covid-19 related absences. Over the past few weeks, we have been receiving a lot of queries from employers and employees about sick pay. It is a confusing area, not helped by the frequency with which Government guidance is updated.

The word furlough stamped on a brown envelope
Employee Resources

Can I work whilst on Furlough?

What do you need to know about working whilst on furlough? The governments guidance sets out clearly that an employee is unable to work for their employer whilst furloughed. However, what happens if an employee has two jobs or their employer asks them to undertake training?

An example payslip depicting typical salary deductions
Employer Resources

Can you recover overpaid wages which have been paid to staff?

Can you recover overpaid wages which have been paid to staff? Employers often find themselves in a muddle and unsure how to respond when they realise that a mistake or an oversight has led to an employee (or employees) being overpaid their wages.

A person holding a box of personal items stood next to their desk
Disciplinary Procedures & Dismissals

Can we require an employee to take holiday whilst suspended from work?

Employers often use suspension as part of a process of undertaking an investigation into misconduct, complaints or allegations against an employee. If the complaints are considered sufficiently serious, it may be necessary to stop the employee from working whilst the matter is investigated.

Sunset with parents baby and a pushchair as a black silhouette
Family Rights at Work

What are the options for employees who cannot work due to school closures?

As we all know another national lockdown was announced on 4 January 2021, which came into force on 5 January 2021. The result of which, means schools are once again closed. As a parent myself, I completely sympathise and understand the organisation required to sort childcare at short notice.

Scrabble letters spelling out stay home
Best practice for employers

Does the latest lockdown adversely impact female employees?

Following the lockdown and school closure in March 2020 statistics came out that more women than men were furloughed and subsequently made redundant. This is a question I posed on LinkedIn recently and the overwhelming response was that yes it does adversely impact women.