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Podcast: Employment Tribunal

Unfair Dismissal: Frequently Asked Questions?

In this weeks’ episode of the podcast I will answer some of the most frequently asked questions from Employers about how to deal with disciplinary issues and how to avoid a claim for unfair dismissal. This is the final of 6 episodes that focus on all of the key aspects of unfair dismissal, including everything you need to know to really get to grips with dismissals and what constitutes a fair dismissal.

A person carrying a cardboard box with the word "Dismissed" written on it

Is it fair to dismiss an employee who fails to declare bankruptcy?

An interesting case where there was no written requirement to tell the employer about bankruptcy.

In this episode 197 of the podcast I bring you details of the case of Pubbi v heard by the Employment Appeal Tribunal dealing with unfair dismissal.

A tribunal book and gavel

The Employment Tribunal Process: Disclosure of Evidence

The process of disclosure in an Employment Tribunal case can be tricky if you do not know what to do. In this podcast I cover the process of disclosure where you are required to share the evidence you have with the other party and the key points to note.

Headed paper from a "HM Courts & Tribunal Service" document

The Employment Tribunal Process: Case Management

Step by step guidance on the Employment Tribunal Process. In this episode 192 of the podcast I bring you the second in a mini series covering step by step guidance on the Employment Tribunal process. This is applicable for both employees who may want to make a claim and employers who may be defending a claim.

Headed paper from a "HM Courts & Tribunal Service" document

The Employment Tribunal Process: making & defending a claim

Step by step guidance on the Employment Tribunal Process. In this episode 191 of the podcast I bring you the first in a mini series covering step by step guidance on the Employment Tribunal process. This is applicable for both employees who may want to make a claim and employers who may be defending a claim.