Grievance Procedure

Grievance Procedure suitable for all employers.

£30.00 + VAT


A basic grievance procedure is a legal requirement for any organisation who employs staff. As well as being a legal requirement it will help to ensure that all staff and managers are aware of the procedure that is required to be followed in order to resolve any workplace issues.

The grievance procedure is also crucial to deal with issues that arise quickly and efficiently, enabling you and your staff to resume work in a productive manner.

This basic procedure is suitable for most organisations and it is easy to use and to implement in your employee handbook or with your other procedures. There are some guidance notes included to make the implementation easy.

It is also compatible with and meets all of the requirements of the ACAS Code of Practice.

A full bespoke policy is available if you are looking for something comprehensive and which matches the specific legal requirements of your business. If you would rather this than the basic policy please contact me on

You can find out more information about how to handle grievances and the process required at the Guide to Grievances

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information and documents provided on this site are for general use on a ‘do it yourself’ basis and and are not intended to be comprehensive or a replacement for obtaining specific legal advice about your situation. Using the information or documents without consulting us or another professional adviser is at your own risk.  Real Employment Law Advice accepts no responsibility and gives no representations or warranties, express or implied, that any of the information and materials on this site is complete, accurate or free from errors or omissions.


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