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Electric Vehicle Salary Sacrifice Guidance for Employers

A free guide for employers who are considering introducing an Electric Vehicle Salary Sacrifice Scheme.

A comprehensive list of all of the things you should be considering and deciding before starting the scheme.

£0.00 + VAT


As recruitment and retention of staff becomes increasingly difficult for businesses, more and more employers are looking at alternative incentives and benefits that they can provide to recruit and retain staff.

One benefit that ticks lots of boxes for employers and employees is the provision of an Electric Vehicle via a Salary Sacrifice scheme. This guide provides some of the key information for employers to consider when implementing a scheme for employees.

You can download your free copy now.

If you like the content please do share a link with colleagues and contacts so that they can download their own free copy.

If you would like more information about electric vehicle leasing the team at Vehicle Consulting Solent can help you:



Whether you decide to change the employment contract and issue a new version, or you merely issue a letter about the change we strongly recommend that you have a separate agreement between you covering how the lease arrangements will work in practice and what will be required of the employee.

If you would like help with the contractual documents and preparing an agreement between you and the employee, we can arrange this for you, normally for an agreed fixed fee. Please contact us for a free no obligation chat and quote on 01983 897003. Alternatively, if you prefer to email you can email


This document has been produced for the purpose of information only. It should not be substituted for obtaining legal advice that is specific to the circumstances. The content is also valid as at the 30th September 2021. Employment law changes regularly and therefore you should ensure that you check the up-to-date position on a regular basis.

© Copyright 2021. Real Employment Law Advice.


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