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Is travel time, ‘Working time’? : Episode 32

Working Time

Will Working Time include time spent travelling from home to the first job of the day for mobile workers?

This weeks’ episode of the podcast features the case of Federación de Servicios Privados del sindicato Comisiones Obreras v Tyco Integrated Security SL and another, a European Court of Justice case about what constitutes working time for the purposes of European law.

In this episode I will cover:

  • What the case was about
  • Why the Union for the employees made the claim in the first place
  • Why it went to the European Court of Justice (ECJ)
  • What the Working Time Directive is and how it applies to UK law
  • What the Working Time Regulations are
  • What the decision of the European Court was
  • What it means for Employers
  • What you need to do now

HR Best Practice Tip

The HR tip of the week is about getting the best from your staff, incentivising them and making them feel appreciated. A happy workforce = a productive one!

Helpful Links

Federación de Servicios Privados del sindicato Comisiones Obreras v Tyco Integrated Security SL and another

Article on this case



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