
Annabel Robbins


After gaining my Law degree in 2019 whilst working full time in a law firm on the Isle of Wight, I soon realised that it was the world of Employment Law and HR that I wanted to focus on.


My personality of wishing to help people generally, along with my belief that work should be a happy and healthy environment, led me to complete my MSc in Human Resource Management whilst spending time working as an HR Manager and then as an HR Consultant.
The experience I gained in only a few years in these roles saw me assisting many SME’s on the south coast of England. Working on behalf of both the employees and the employers, I was facilitating management training, mediation, disciplinary and grievance hearings alongside undertaking administrative HR tasks for various companies.

I obtained my CIPD Level 7 accreditation in 2023 and supporting my desire to help make the workplace be a happy and healthy one, became a MHFAider® to enable me to provide additional help to those who need it.
I am beyond delighted to be working for a company which shares values so close to my heart whilst allowing me to progress my career in an area I am so passionate about.




Outside of my working life, I live with a one giant house rabbit and one small, frail one and enjoy running and keeping fit – last year climbing Kilimanjaro to raise money and awareness for Zoe’s Law. Two fellow members of the Island Business Network which I attend weekly (one being the brother of Zoe, who sadly fell victim to a missed skin cancer diagnosis) accompanied me and we now have Mont Blanc booked for 2025.

This year I was lucky enough to win a ballot place for the TCS London Marathon, so raised money for a young local rugby player who was tragically paralysed during a game last year. This run further fuelled my fire for fitness ventures, resulting in me running ‘Walk’ the Wight in May, doing the 3 Peak Challenge for a second time at the end of June and a Snowdon trail marathon in July. During the winter I spend my Saturdays questioning referee decisions and trying to work out the scores at the games of the Sandown and Shanklin Rugby Football Club, of which I’m a member of the committee.