Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce – Business Awards

We have been shortlisted for the Business Awards for Excellence 2019

We are very excited to have been shortlisted in the Isle of Wight Chamber Business Awards this year.

As a firm we have been shortlisted in the category of Excellence in Customer Service for a micro business which is sponsored by Hovertravel and Micro Business of The Year Award which is sponsored by Gurit.

Best of all we are shortlisted with some fantastic businesses, our friends at BeCalmed, Hillbans Pest Control and Bayliss & Booth who are shortlisted in the Excellence in Customer Service and Hillbans, BeCalmed and Island Echo join us in the Micro Business Award category, so congratulations to them.

It is fantastic to see that in the Customer Service Award, the shortlisted nominees are all businesses that are run by women and at the helm are women in those businesses!

In addition to our own shortlisting many of our HR Harbour clients have been shortlisted and they are some fantastic businesses including:

The Royal Hotel, who are shortlisted in the Hospitality and Business Award.

The Garlic Farm, who are shortlisted in three categories this year which is fantastic, the Retailer Award, Tourism and Business, Marketing and PR Award

Top Mops who are shortlisted in the Growth Business Award and the Excellence in Customer Service Small Business Award.

Wightfibre, one of our fantastic Platinum Harbour Clients, who are shortlisted in the category of Employer of the Year. We are particularly excited for them because they are a fantastic employer and striving to do great things for their staff.

WRS Systems, who are shortlisted in the category of Growth Business, they were shortlisted with us last year, so fingers crossed for them this year.

The other businesses I wanted to mention who are some of our fantastic clients and friends who have been shortlisted, are:

Visit Isle of Wight, Wight Computers, French Franks, Action4Support, Northwood House Charitable Trust, Nosy Design and Solent Youth Service.

The winners are announced at an awards ceremony on Friday 18th October 2019. We are looking forward to celebrating with our friends, colleagues and acquaintances at the Isle of Wight Chamber.

Regardless of the outcome it is a fantastic honour to be shortlisted and illustrative of the hard work that we all put in to making Real Employment Law Advice the best we can be!

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