Ensure that all employees have contracts and that you have procedures in place
Obviously, I am going to mention the legal element of your relationship with your staff, but aside from the legal requirement, giving your staff a contract makes them feel more stable and settled in
their employment relationship with you.
There is a legal requirement to provide all employees who have been employed for one month or more set written terms of their employment. These minimum terms are set out in Section 1 of the
Employment Rights Act and cover the key provisions of your relationship, such as job title, hours and holiday.
In addition to the legal minimum terms you can include details of the foundation of your relationship with the employee, giving them the certainty of what is required of them as your employee and
what they will receive in return. It will also lead to fewer disputes about minor issues such as holiday and hours.
It is surprising the number of employers who still do not give their staff minimum terms of employment and if you are working in an industry where contracts are not commonplace, it is a quick way to set your business aside from your competitors as a quality employer.
If you would like help with your contract terms then please do not hesitate to contact me for a no obligation discussion and quote. Email: alison@realemploymentlawadvice.co.uk